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Welcome to the 1 Percent Difference

Dog eat dog pupsGood economy………bad economy…………it’s a dog eat dog world out there!
I don’t care how great your product or service is the world is more competitive than ever. Today everyone is looking for what I call “The Edge.” The Edge is that one thing that will make you stand out in the marketplace – that will make people hit your website, send you an email, or dial your phone number to send you business. Everyone’s in search of the magic that will turn their business into a lead generating machine thereby creating success and making them the kind of money they deserve.
New Lower Prices Sign
So what do we do? We spend thousands on a website and advertising, we lower our prices, we find ways to deliver faster. We think we must be 50% better than our competition in some way to stand out? The reality is the exact opposite and so much simpler than that. By being just 1% better than your competition…..but applied in many different areas of your business,  you can look miles better than anyone in your market space. This is “The 1 Percent Difference.”
Think about it a moment. In a PGA golf tournament after all the players have hit nearly 300 shots,   a single shot can be the margin of victory. After a week of preparation, fine-tuning and practice runs, a fraction of a second wins a NASCAR race. In the same way, some subtle improvements applied to many areas of your business can make all the difference in your ultimate success.
This blog is dedicated to identifying and discussing those factors. My mission is to simplify the lives of small and independent business people worldwide by helping them realize that the smallest of things applied with consistency can separate them from the pack. Small improvements over time can help you literally “blow away” your competition.
Turn your business into the success you envisioned when you started it. Implement The 1 Percent Difference……..starting today!